I was not mad, when I pulled the car over and grabbed the map from your small hands. Because it is not your fault that you lack the navigational skills needed to traverse these lands. Every now and then, I look over and see you sitting there in the passenger seat, trying to read those maps. I see it, when you look puzzled at all of those lines, that symbolize roads. Scouring the same ones over and over thinking that you understand it, but then looking some more when you know you do not. Over and over, the roads start to tangle.
I know it really takes a man to understand locations and such so you, being a woman, are off the map reading hook.
However, though I dare not say it to your face less I upset your delicate temperment... The only times your inability makes me mad, is when we land many miles past an intended exit. And when asked about it, you say, "Oh yeah, I saw it when we passed it." Speak up. If you know we are going the wrong way, speak up. Does that make sense to you?
Things you can work on. If you want to get better.
Try to look when I am not. Yeah, I should be looking... but a little help would also be nice. I mean what else do you have to do there? Listen to music? Smoke cigarettes? You can indeed look in the vanity mirror and still have time to glance at where we are. I could easily navigate these higways, freeways, and interstates on my own, but I am not on my own, I am riding with you. And I don't want my reliance on you to be a handicap.
Another thing.
Try to care.
Sometimes, I think that you want us to get lost. I know that deep down, you don't want us to get lost, but the indifference is bothersome. Is it truly all my responsibility? Yes, I am the driver, but aren't we sitting side by side, in this transportation vehicle together? Where I go, you go too. If I am lost, you are too.
And right now we are lost.
But not after a few moments, because the map is in my hands.