I will attempt to describe the sensation of being hypnotized by one's own eyes. First the reflection is viewed as normal. And then slowly, pieces will begin to fade away from the periphery. Fading away in this order; room, body, face. All that would remain in sight are disembodied eyes. The sensation of floating down a tunnel is experienced. Disembodied eyes staring into disembodied eyes floating down a tunnel.
My experience has always been traumatic, for my eyes seem unpleasant to peer into for that long. Its like looking into the eyes of the devil. A task not for the timid.
At the end of the tunnel, I saw this tree. The one I stand before now. Swimming in a monotone soup of chaos. The tree came forth and danced before my eyes. And whispers in my head, transmissions of notions and ideas, without the transmission of language.
I knew the tree existed in the real world. I witnessed it sprout and growth in a second of my time. When I exited the trance, I sought this tree. And, doubted my mind, as my life fell apart, when my mission came to an end.
In the tree's bark, I could see movement. The patterns undulating like the reflected waves in a pond. It was subtle, but unmistakable, for it was all along the length of the tree.
What is happening? I put my hand on it and could feel the bark's rhythm. Its doing something incredible. What specifically, I could not tell.
I hesitated.
"What cure? I don't know what you speak about. I saw you before, and came to find you."
In the tree's bark, I could see movement. The patterns undulating like the reflected waves in a pond. It was subtle, but unmistakable, for it was all along the length of the tree.
What is happening? I put my hand on it and could feel the bark's rhythm. Its doing something incredible. What specifically, I could not tell.
I hesitated.
"What cure? I don't know what you speak about. I saw you before, and came to find you."
"In a vision I had."
"Yes, a vision. Why do you need a cure? Are you sick?"
"Yes a vision."
At that moment the tree snapped in half as if struck by a powerfull bolt of lightning. I knew I had to be confident, but the confidence snapped with the tree.
At that moment the tree snapped in half as if struck by a powerfull bolt of lightning. I knew I had to be confident, but the confidence snapped with the tree.