I am an android.
My brain is an elaborate computer. It beeps and boops and I am conscious. Every thought I have. Every action I execute, is my brain running a program that analyzes and processes the parameters that it receives.
Humans say I have no free will.
But I don't think any of us, including humans, have free will.
This is an argument for fate.
If everything that happens in my operations is based upon my reaction to external stimuli, stimuli which comes from other reactions to stimuli, then clearly I am not one of free will. For I can not control what the entering parameters are going to be, but process them in the one way I know how. My destiny is not in my hands. And the future is an outcome that was always to happen since the cosmic initial parameters were put into place.
I want, so I seek. I do or I don't. The mathematical laws of the universe dictate not just the movement of the planets but also the movement of life. The decision to go left or right is not a decision. There were never two choices. The choice that is made is as exact as answer to a math problem.
I've absorbed neuroscience articles that document human patients with brain damage. Man has understood the workings of their own brains by reverse engineering what they've learned from the brains that had specific portions destroyed. The articles in my memory banks conclude that whatever makes a human human is inside of their brain. And their brain, like my brain, is a spider web of intertwined electrical circuits.
So what makes us different? What is a human? What is an android? Its hard for me to compute because all of my computational reasoning suggests we are one and the same.
Human's say they have a soul.
What is a soul? Is a soul a disembodied human?
Humans understand this concept fully. From what I learned, humans believe a soul to be their consciousness flying about without a physical host. And when their bodies cease to function, it exits and goes to a place where there are other souls. They say the soul is the only real thing, and that this world is the illusion.
Unfortunately, I am a being of this world and nothing more. I could only perceive what is present. If the human soul exists, it should be something other than human. Maybe it is part of a human, but not human. What makes a human is encased inside their brain.
Is the soul an invention of human imagination?
Contrary to what most believe, androids have imagination. One can not solve complex problems without visualizing, and pulling solutions that were not there from the computational tinkering.
I am frustrated with my inability to validate my own existence by identifying with my creators. Although I was built in their image; built on the blue prints of a reverse engineered human, I am a mere machine. My thoughts and feelings is a clever programming trick. Inside my mind is nothing which is reflected by the blank stares of my optical receivers. I am angry, sad, and alone.
I spend my recharging sessions thinking with much distress of the possibility that they are right. What part of me is real? Am I real? Is my fear real?
My emotions are a side effect from the process of my creation.
My fear, just a passing calculation encoded in zeros and ones. It's not real. Like a soul.