July 11, 2009
Lightspeed to nowhere pt II
My last post was a test of my blogging capabilities of my new possession, the iPod touch. I call it my ghetto iPhone. I would have liked to have an iPhone but it was a little out of my price range considering the monthly fees. But I am discovering that this contraption is still a very capable machine. True it doesn't have Internet access everywhere nor does it have a camera nor does it have video nor does it have a microphone for skype nor does it have a gpa nor does it have a compass nor does it have a faster processor.... All of that is besides the point, it is barnone the best iPod I had ever had and that counts for something. Look I am even writing my blog on it. No one ever reads this blog, so my enthusiasm over having a broken iPhone would never be known. But that truth is something to be explored another day in another post. As for now I recommend every visual artist out there to get the amazing app called brushes.