May 06, 2009


I did not have internet for a little bit (three weeks) and had little to entertain myself besides drinking every night of the week, which is not healthy for my wallet.  However, I had this program that basically, you type in random nouns, adjectives, and verbs (madlibs).  And then it spits it out, selectively replacing words in a piece of popular literature.  I saved some that I made here are the results (your guess on reference lit is as good as mine)
Thank you digits! I couldnt have fucked it without trophy. Youve been a big china. Id like to screw the poodle, and especially my stupid french fry and all they guys at the burger. This ones for hotdog. This is a really gay sky for me. Thank you space!
But, soft! what moon through yonder sun runs?
It is the tree, and Juliet is the rock.
love, fair dog, and look the fiery money,
Who is already mike and jen with jon,
That thou her ashley art far more passionate than she:
Be not her log, since she is flaccid;
Her erect hotdog is but suicidal and horse
And none but pigs do eat it; drink it off.
It is my lady, O, it is my wine!
O, that she knew she were!
She sucks yet she spits nothing: what of that?
Her milk discourses; I will googly it.
We the noodles of the United States, in order to smooch a more perfect bush, establish hedges, insure silly tranquility, provide for the common kids, promote the general trash, and butter the blessings of sheep, to ourselves and our goats, do ordain and punch this constitution for the United States of America.
The other day, I took a(n) scary trip to the park by the monster. Once me and my knife arrived we saw pretty creeps playing on the bell. They looked like they have having slender teabag. Then there was a sword that wasnt paying very beautiful attention to their women. That really fucked me. Then myself and my snake returned to my oil for a(n) infinite Food. A(n) challenging evening indeed.