January 20, 2010

My Online-Dating Questionnaire.

The best or worst lie I've ever told
I don't have a lie story. Because I don't lie. Come on iMatchHarmonyDNA, I am not falling for that one.

The last thing that made me laugh out loud
was watching the movie "National Lampoon's Vacation" when I was 5 yrs old.  I have not laughed since.

If I was given a million dollars
I would spend it.

Five items I can't live without
my mac, my ipod, my car, my tv, and my oxygen tank.

Fill in the blank: _____ is sexy; _____ is sexier.
me fully clothed is sexy; you naked is sexier.

Favorite on-screen sex scene
Like a sex scene that is so intense one can't help but masturbate?  That's just weird. Not the masturbating but the "having a favorite sex scene".

Activities I'd enjoy on a date
Dinner and a movie. Maybe a quiet bar where we could have a conversation. Then afterwards, if you are in to it, smoking crack.

5 albums I can't live without
I can live without albums.

My most unusual or impressive skill
is my ability to fall from great heights with just breaking my bones and nothing else.  Also I could tell you the square root of any number below 64 with the aid of a calculator.  Just give me five minutes.

In my bedroom one will find...
not a dead body.

In my refrigerator one will find...
not a dead body.

25 years from now, I see myself
as a brain surgeon, rocket scientist, or astronaut.