April 02, 2009

Random scribblings in some old notebooks.

I was going through an old notebook and here are some random writings. They most likely do not make any sense, and they are often in some made up poetic prose. I was and am still retarded.

The word is on my lips
the kiss of the fist
lips that don't bleed
The culprit is the one with the knife I know, but no one here is holding a knife.
Who is guilty? My indecision is my best friend.
I've been admiring your indifference to life.
That admiration is my fix.
They showered the people with gifts of tin foil hats and bottled water.
The sky is falling and the earth rises to meet it.
a man backs his car over his beloved dog.
this is about the perpetual struggle that never ceases
for a moment to allow one to breath in-between sobs of pain.
your comfort is a lie. lies in the form of high fives.

i've practiced my entire life to look at things from another angle.
never dead on.
Be proud in your wrong decisions.
Its easy to get lost on the long road.
Someone else found what you are looking for.
If you still want it, find it again.
Don't let doubt creep in.
Is it a holiday if you never come back?
first encounter: kung fu defeat.
its all in the eyes.
we did not go anywhere so it can't be called a journey.
we did not meet anyone so it can't be called an encounter.
there is no solution, so is there a problem?
the fingers point at you.
and you point at the fingers.
get that finger out of my face!
don't point at me!
i'll point my finger at your whole family.