You reap what you sow. A popular idiom. What have I planted and what will I reap? I thought about it. It can't be nothing. It has to be something. Will I not know what I have planted until it sprouts? What if it never sprouts? What if I planted pennies hoping they would grow into dollars? Who is the idiot that plants pennies? what if that idiot was five. I was pretty stupid when I was five. Conventional wisdom would tell that idiot, put the pennies in a piggy bank or savings account, or 401k plan or some other stupid form of saving. However, if I had a chance to talk to my five year old self, I would tell him to go ahead and plant 'em. Because pennies are worthless. When I find one in my pocket, I immediately fling it at the nearest person and say, "happy birthday!"
Holy shit did I get off topic! All I have to say is, whatever it is I have planted (why would I not know is odd maybe it is one of those metaphors like a when a kung fu master tells you to snatch a pebble from his hand. or maybe not.) whatever it is, it better be good. Because I've been waiting a long time. Or maybe, could it be that I am one of those people where that saying, was supposed to hurt me (like my feelings). Or? Could it be that I am one of those people exempt, like a child that inherits a gazillion euros. not dollars, dollars are worthless.