If you just read that warning it is probably too late. Sorry. Blame my friend Adam for taking the photo. Sick.
This squirrel was found dead outside my apartment, directly below my balcony. I suspect it was the one that made its way into the hole in my roof, thus my attic, during the winter (sucker I had no heat.) All winter I heard it tip-tapping back and forth along my ceiling with its tiny squirrel legs. One day, after rudely being awoken by it, I hit the ceiling with a broomstick. The act sent the squirrel sprinting towards the hole. I followed the sound to the balcony, where the squirrel lept, like 10 feet to the nearest tree. There it paused and looked at me with an expression that said "What the fuck?"
When the warmer months came, I wondered what had happened to the little fucker. And looking upon the rain-soaked corpse on the concrete sidewalk, I thought maybe, this was the squirrel. Maybe it got washed out of the tree with the rain or..... (more likely) maybe there is an aura of suicidal tendencies hovering around my balcony. All living beings within it become disoriented with intense sadness. Subtle at first, so small to notice, but the longer the exposure to the aura, the effects build exponentially until, its subjects are in a pit where the walls are so steep. And no matter how intense the climbing, the rain pushes them back down...I am rambling. This aura, perhaps that is what happened to those baby pigeons I mentioned in my previous post. Maybe they had enough of life and decided to end it. One first, then the other. The other( a little unwilling) but honoring the pact he made with the sibling. A suicide pact.
I have one question to answer right now. Who's next? AND, when will this stop?