March 18, 2007

The Masterpiece

An old man is meticulously writing his masterpiece.

"...and finally, the end." the man writes by pen into the
manuscript. He gently closes the book and holds it up to admire the bindings. Five years was how long it took to write this one. He looks over at his manservant.

"Walter, I am done with my masterpiece.", the old man declares.

"And a fine one it is sir. I'd say it is your best one yet. Do you want me to put it with the others?" says the man servant.

"But of course Walter. But of course."

Walter carefully picks up the manuscript and walks away. The old man pulls out a new pen to start another. Walter walks through several rooms and down a flight of stairs down into the furnace room. He open's the furnace and tosses the book inside.

March 16, 2007

I am a smoker.

I am a quitter, I have quit many things in my life. I've quit jobs, schools, exercise, saving money, amongst other things, the list goes on. You get the picture. But the one thing that I absolutely can not quit, is the love of my life, smoking. In many ways it has been a boon to my existence, massaging my shoulders during times of stress while at the same time stabbing my air sacs with microscopic particles to remind me massages are not for free. I am losing focus here...

HELL! I just quite Myspace and am having no withdrawal symptoms. I've quitted booze for periods of time. I know it is an addiction, but I quit other addictions that are not to be mentioned here. So if you are a kid and have managed to stumble upon this blog, and are contemplating lighting up a sweet sweet cigarette, I guess the name means miniature cigar or feminine cigar or something. cigar-ette....They call them fags in the UK. Did you know that?

I am rambling. Kids, don't do it. Your life depends on it.